Consulting Cases

We support clients in various industry segments.

We have provided various solutions depending on our client’s needs. We expect to steadily add to our achievements.

Start-up of a Japanese company in Chinese market
Expansion of a Japanese company in Chinese market
Support of Fund-raising and/or expansion of a Chinese company in Japanese market

Client Summaru Solution

Start-up of a Japanese company in Chinese market

IT Service 〈Listed company〉

Management of hotel reservation site

Examine the development of
hotel reservation site in China.

  • ・Conduct market research in china to suggest the business expansion via partnering with a Chinese firm.
  • ・Support partner selection for the
    establishment of a joint venture in China.
  • ・Support partnering negotiation for toward the tie-up.
  • ・Support the establishment of a joint venture with an ICP license.

Equipment Manufacturer

Large office equipment manufacturer in Japan

Examine the start-up in the
Chinese market as the Japanese domestic market growth slows down.

  • ・Conduct market research in China and recommend business expansion via partnership with a Chinese firm.
  • ・Introduced large manufacturer and home equipment discount store in China as the customer while assisting in the negotiations.


Innovative medicine business,
development of health supplements
and manufacturing

Considering start-up in China as the demand for healthy foodstuff in China grows.

  • ・Conduct market research in China and recommend business expansion via partnership with a Chinese firm.
  • ・Introduced sales partner in China, also suggested the schemes of sales model and supported licensing of FSH (Food for Specified Health uses).


Subsidiary of a large food
manufacturer/sales company in
Japan that specializes in health food

Considering expansion to
mainland China as it already
sold products in Taiwan.

  • ・Suggested: import/export of foodstuff utilizing our China-related organization network, supported early establishment of custom distribution system, suggested the development of merchandise distribution network utilizing our Chinese media industry network.

Service<TSE Listed >

Large chain of hair salons in Japan

Considered business expansion in China by bringing the knowledge of domestic hair salon management, hair stylist training, FC development.

  • ・Researched the latest in Chinese beauty industry service, and submitted analysis report.
  • ・Suggested joint venture company candidates.
  • ・Introduced to well-known hair stylist, hair salon, management companies in China.

Educaton & Training
<TSE Listed>

Management nail salons by a
subsidiary of the company

A ledaing nail salon
management company in Japan considered to expand its business into Chinese market, expecting its growth potential.

  • ・Conduct market research in China and recommend business expansion via partnership with a Chinese firm.
  • ・Proposed a business plan with potential partners, and supported the negotiation of alliance.

Cosmetics Manufacturer
<TSE Listed>


Chinese local subsidiary seeks our know-how for the expansion of sales soon after its establishment.

  • ・Introduced image character candidates in China for a major press, major cosmetic manufacturer, and a major retail company in China. Made suggestions about branding in China.

IT Service <TSE Listed>

This company provides community sites guarding service.

This company was looking to expand business in China as we foresaw the needs for our value-added service in the Chinese internet society. They asked our company to support expansion in China.

  • ・We conducted marketing research in China, but concluded that the expansion in China would be too difficult as the internet is heavily restricted by the government.

IT Service

This is a subsidiary of a world-renowned manufacturer whose stock is publicly traded at the Tokyo Stock Exchange as it develops and provides IT solutions for corporations.

It asked us for our support as it was planning the development but didn’t have the know-how on how to expand business in China.

  • ・We submitted the investigative report on business expansion in China.
  • ・We introduced local partner candidates. We suggested the sales structure for this company’s merchandise in China.

Expansion of a Japanese company in Chinese market

Pharmaceutical<TSE Listed>

This company already
established a local subsidiary in China and was considering selling OTC medical goods but had trouble obtaining license and sought our help.

  • ・Conducted market research in China and supported acquiring the license for OTC medical goods import (assisted at each stage of application, trial, import), suggested support including introduction of possible partners for the sales expansion after the import license is granted.

Cosmetic Goods
<TSE Listed >

They have already established a sales company in China and was looking to expand the sales of cosmetic goods in China.

  • ・Conduct market research in China and recommend business expansion via partnership with a Chinese firm.
  • ・Researched possible buyers for the
    merchandise, and sales partner company. Match was found with a large hair salon chain, so we supported the partnership.

Educational Service
<TSE Listed >

This company was planning sales expansion of educational materials for small children in China.

  • ・Conduct market research in China and recommend business expansion via partnership with a Chinese firm.
  • ・Introduced large educational business firm. Suggested selling educational contents through the distribution channel by this company.
  • ・With a vision of acquiring stock in this Chinese company, supported due diligence.

Machinery Manufacturer

This company was looking to
expand business in China by
finding a Chinese partner.

  • ・Submitted research report after conducting expansive investigation for a possible partnering candidate.
  • ・Participated in the meetings and visited factories of the candidates and supported communication.

<TSE Listed>

The Chinese subsidiary of this company was heading toward closing, but after considering the cost of withdrawal, looked for a better solution through us.

  • ・Re-evaluated the company’s content value by our marketing research of China. Instead of withdrawal, suggested business expansion with a Chinese partner.
  • ・Introduced partner candidates. Suggested restoring the business through the Chinese partner.

Real Estate

Large Developer

Considering Chinese product in acquiring parts for mega solar business using unused
agricultural land. Asked us for support since they had no
experience in dealing with a
Chinese manufacturer.

  • ・Company research of Chinese
    manufacturers (credit info, conditions of deals, parts specification,relationship with
    government etc.).
    Also supported
    communications and accompanied visits to the local factories.

Support of Fund-raising and/or expansion of a Chinese company in Japanese market

Real Estate

Large Developer

Investment advice on
closed resource-related
Chinese company

Investment item of corporate debenture bond swap of a Chinese company issued by a Hong Kong firm.

  • ・Provided advisory service on the
    investment subject. Researched on
    the investment portfolio and
    submitted the report. Supported from investment through collection

Investment Firm

Fund by a well-known wealthy Japanese

Investigation of a Chinese company

Presence by a large Chinese financial group,
presented referral information on the investment.
Requested DDs from the
venture fund.

  • ・Provided referral information on the
    investment by investigating on the
    fund portfolio, fund manager and past performance.

Real Estate

Well-known Chinese investment firm

Joint investment to a Chinese real estate development plan

Examined the Japanese co-investor to a Chinese
integrated real estate
development plan. They asked us to introduce japanese investors.

  • ・Conducted related research into the
    development plan and submitted a report.
  • ・Looked for Japanese investment

Large Lighting Manufacturer

Large Lighting Manufacturer in China

Support in search of sales channels in Japanese market

Major shareholder was a
well-known technical fund.
As it was expanding to the
world market as a manufacturer specialize in lighting. Tasked with expansion into Japanese

  • ・Introduced influential lighting
    manufacturers and sellers
    (wholesale/retail) also introduced
    clients employing the lighting fixtures.
  • ・Introduced to a large developer that
    adopted the lightings at their buildings.

Panel Manufacturer <NYSE Listed>

Support in the expansion
of Japanese business

Though it had a high percentage of share in the
world market, Japanese market was underdeveloped. They asked for the sales support in the Japanese market.

  • ・Introduced large home equipment
    retailers and developers. Adopted at a large developer’s mega solar business. Other large corporations are considering adoption as well.